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Todd Bishop


Every person today desire to be great at what they do. Lebron James spends two million dollars per year on his body to be the best. Russel Wilson spends one million dollars per year. And even Donald Trump spends money on his body - in 2016 it was reported that he spent $70,000 on hairstyling throughout the year. Well, I am going to leave that alone. The point is great leaders spend time, effort, and resources to make them better in their field.

Scripture declares, "If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously" (Romans 12:8). I believe everyone is leading something or someone. That means all of us should take that responsibility seriously. If I am leading my home, I take it seriously. If I am leading my office, I take it seriously. If I am leading my church, I take it seriously. No matter what level of leadership God has given you we need to take it seriously.

Let me give you the four qualities of great leaders. They are not deep or new. They serve as reminders for every leader at every leader.


This is one of the most important tools of leadership. When my wife, Mary, and I started our church 15 years ago we said this is the only church we want to be the Lead Pastors of. We have zero desire for other opportunities or ministries. We love what we do. We are loyal to it. Loyalty is a lost art in our world today, but I have learned that loyalty elevates.

Be loyal where you are. Don't look for something better. Choose to make where you are better. Be loyal to it until God opens another door. And if God doesn't open that door, stay loyal.


Too many people do just enough to get by. But great leaders go above-and-beyond in their capacity and ability. Do everything with excellence. Excellence gets rewarded. Don't get stuck in trying to be the best. Go after your best. Give 125% to your job, ministry, family, or non-profit. You may think that no one is watching, but I promise you they are.

John Maxwell wrote, "Excellence is the sure route to influence." Yes! And a thousand times yes. Excellence will open doors for your life. In the words of Bill & Ted, "Be excellence."


Oh, let's talk about this one. attitude. There are some of the greatest leaders I have met with the worst attitudes and it has become a lid to their leadership. People don't want to be around them and no one wants to hire an individual with a bad attitude.

Attitude accelerates. The right attitude will take you places your talents could not. As someone once said, "Your attitude determines your altitude." Great leaders are constantly checking their attitudes.


The apostle Paul said he 'beats his body into subjection.' Great leaders are great at personal disciplines. They maintain schedules, agendas, goals, and objectives. And when someone tries to get them to deviate they are so disciplined that they say, "No." Discipline will keep you moving in the direction of your destiny. Stay focused.

The greatest of leaders will not allow anyone to hi-jack their vision. They are committed, committed, committed.

Great leaders aren't born, they are developed. Keep growing. Keep becoming. L.E.A.D. with Loyalty, Excellence, a good Attitude, and personal Discipline. These 4 qualities take average leaders and make them better.


  1. Who is the greatest leader you can think of?

  2. Who is the greatest leader you personally know?

  3. What have you learned from those great leaders?

  4. Which of those qualities do you need to work on the most? Why?


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Nov 09, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

True words


Nov 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Such a good reminder!


     2025 TODD R BISHOP

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