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Todd Bishop

Emergency Addiction

Addiction (n) the state of being compulsively committed to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

There are a lot of different addictions that people have. Too many to list, but many people face the downward spiral of addictive behavior. However, there is an addiction that many leaders struggle with, but they refuse to admit. That addiction is emergency addiction.

What is emergency addiction? It is the leaders addiction that everything is an emergency. Things are not just important, but they are all urgent. These type of leaders crave problems, difficulties, and challenges. To be honest, they don't just crave them, they are addicted to them. If there is no emergency, they create one. I have personally, at times, struggled with this, but I am still in recovery to emergency addiction.

How do you recognize whether or not you have emergency addiction? It's pretty simple I have discover 5 indicators of emergency addiction.

#1 - You have to fix everything and everyone.

Some experts call this 'savior complex.' That's the person who need to be the fix-it-all person. Not everyone needs fixing, but you see the problems inside of everyone, instead of the potential inside people.

#2 - You find your personal value in solving everyone else's problems.

This is not just what you do, but the why behind the what. You find your worth and value in helping or fixing things. Remember, your value is not in what you do, but in who you are. If your value is your DO, instead of your YOU, then you will never be satisfied with your growth or others growth.

#3 - You take credit for others hard work.

Oh yes, this one is vital. I see this loud and clear in our society today. Someone experiences something incredible and your immediate response is, "I helped them get there." No, you are not responsible for the success of others - you are only responsible for the opportunities you give them. Each individual's success is up to their hard-work and God's design.

#4 - You are the magnet for weak people.

If you are surrounded by people with needs and problems, then take a deep look within. Many leaders today are more insecure than they realize. I have met many great leaders who have weak people around them. It's not that they are insecure, but they see people as an emergency and they can fix them.

{Side Note} I am blessed to lead a variety of people. I am so blown away by their skills, talents, and abilities. They are gifted leaders. In fact, whenever I am around other teams, I realize how good the team is that I work with. The best of the best.

#5 - As you solved one emergency, you start looking for the next.

Now, yes, there are legitimate issues that leaders address. The bigger your organization gets the more complex this addiction becomes. But the greatest of leaders are not looking for emergencies or problems, they are looking for purpose and fulfillment. Every leader needs to learn to just "enjoy the journey" - some things are not worth your peace. << Read that again. Let me write it again, so you have to read it again - some things are not worth your peace.

Yes, leaders are fixers, but be very careful that you don't fall into emergency addiction. It will deplete your energy, deprive you of joy, and discourage your team.

What's the cure for emergency addiction? That's the question. Simply step back, watch others grow, and celebrate the success (even though it may be slower) of those around you. You have your whole journey to lead, enjoy it, don't endure it.


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Apr 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great read!


Apr 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Such a great read! Gotta implement these daily!


Zayy Wilson
Zayy Wilson
Apr 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

SOO GOOD. I struggle with #1 and #2 as a leader in different areas of my life and it sometimes leads me to believe that if i’m not doing something to help, i’m doing nothing at all. This helps a ton to recognise that some things truly aren’t worth my peace, and that I need to sometimes sit back and allow my team to grow without me having to hover and make sure I’m there to fix every little thing.

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