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Todd Bishop


This is more than a catch phrase or a get attention statement. It is the fact of what God does in our lives. Scripture declares, "... because your mercy toward me is great. You have rescued me from the depths of hell," (Psalm 86:13, GWT). God literally loves the hell out of you. He doesn't leave you where you are. How does He do it? It's His great mercy. Mercy is defined as "compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm."

We all deserve God's judgment, but He gives mercy. We all make mistakes. We all fall short of God's standards. We live like hell and all God wants to do is give us heaven.

The accuser will tell you, "God won't forgive you." He will speak the lie, "You are too big of a mess." He will remind you that you are unfaithful, but God has more in store before you than hell has behind you. He loves you so much that the hell you have been through or committed God will find a way to get it out of you. How? His great mercy.

God's mercy cleans up my mess. Oh yes it does. We all have things in our past and present that are not good, but "But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead" (Ephesians 2:4-5, NLT). God has a wealth of mercy that can be extended to anyone who runs into his arms. It's does not matter your mess - God will clean it up. It doesn't matter how far you have run - God will take you back.


It doesn't matter if you are a CEO, or student, or stay-at-home-parent, or politician. It doesn't matter what deep, dark sins have been part of your life. God will accept you as you are and love you so much that He squeezes the hell out of your heart. It is who He is. It is what He does.

Anyone can look back and see a sin-littered past, but I want you to look ahead to a mercy-filled future. That's all because of what God has done. "He is so rich in mercy."

Think back on your life. Think about where you missed it or had blown it. Yet, God still loves you. In fact, God will never love you any more or any less than He does right now. Your temper does not cancel His love. Your bad thoughts will not stop His mercy. God loves you completely and thoroughly. He loves the hell out of you. And the longer you serve Him the more you will begin to align with His Word.

Reflecting on the journey of your life allows you to ponder those moments where you may have faltered or made mistakes. Despite any shortcomings, it is comforting to know that God's love for you remains unwavering. The truth is, God's love for you is constant and unchanging, unaffected by your actions or thoughts. Your moments of anger or frustration do not diminish His love, and even your darkest thoughts do not impede His boundless mercy. God's love for you is all-encompassing and unconditional, extending beyond any human comprehension. His love is so immense that it transcends any negativity or doubt, shining brightly in the depths of your being.

As you continue to walk in faith and serve Him, you will find yourself aligning more closely with His divine will and teachings, experiencing a profound transformation in your spiritual journey. All because HE LOVES THE HELL OUT OF YOU.

Do these three things:

  • Thank God daily for His mercy.

  • Stop focusing on your past.

  • Love people the way God loves you.


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Great reminder!!!!

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     2025 TODD R BISHOP

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